
NazcAlpaca high-end body monitoring shirt. Photo by Iztok Klančar

High-end body monitoring & wearables for environmental awareness

Developed with the help of Bear Creek Mining S.A.C. in Peru we developed NazcAlpaca, an innovative training system to avoid work related stress issues. Paired with an app that has adjustable settings, the body-monitoring NazcAlpaca shirt stores data over time to create a training system that’ll help wearers fight stress. It will guide you through the initial body monitoring setup, and even encourages you to stay active. As part of the collection to bring awareness about environmental data, two scarfs can measure the air quality and temperature around the wearer.

“NazAlpaca introduction video (also available in Spanish. Video by Iztok Klančar

Combining alpaca yarns with wearable technology

NazcAlpaca is researching how to combine the high quality of alpaca yarn with highly innovative wearable technology. Electrical components, silver fiber and alpaca yarn are brought together to become an interactive fashion item. A brand identity and 3D-printed casings make sure to achieve a unique look and perfect fit of hard and soft materials. A male and a female version of the body-monitoring garment are made. Via tiny magnets the hardware is connected. An adjustable breathing sensor and hart-rate sensor are knitted in the garment. The NazcAlpaca app will guide you though your body monitoring and enables you to start exercising.

The smartphone application enables the user to check biometrics and proposes exercises. Photo by Iztok Klančar
The smartphone application enables the user to check biometrics and proposes exercises. Photo by Iztok Klančar


  • Designers: Marina Toeters (, Martijn ten Bhömer
  • Partners: Bear Creek Mining S.A.C., De Reuver breifabriek (full collaborator list)
  • Materials: Alpaca yarn, Magnets, 3D-printed casings, Statex Shieldex conductive yarns, Ohmatex ribbon, Bitalino, Blend Micro, Vibration motors, Battery
  • Techniques: Knitting, Overlocking, Hand sewing, Soldering, 3D printing, Programming
  • My role in the collaboration: Developed electronics, design and programming of the iOS application and the integration of the sensors in the garments. Download the NazcAlpaca app here and try the Demonstration modus

NazAlpaca iOS application demonstration, application development by Martijn ten Bhömer


  • Matthijs Vertooren, 3D modeling + 3D printing
  • Xinwei Wang, logo design, UX design and animation
  • Jesse Asjes, yarn and knitting expert,
  • Erna de Reuver & Boudewijn, knitting of the fabric, De Reuver breifabriek
  • Geert van den Boomen, hardware advise, Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Iztok Klančar, movie and pictures,
  • Kristel van Walen, model
  • Loe Feijs, fractal pied-de-poule development, Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Beam van Waardenberg, electronics in the scarves, ContreChoc
  • Melissa Bonvie, confectioning expert, Katoen Enzo
  • Janny Toeters, hand stitching
  • Kyra Journée and Laura, steaming experts
  • Mientje Toeters-Kleinjan, knitting experiments
  • Malte von Krshiwoblozki, body monitoring inspiration, Fraunhofer
  • Koen van Os, wearable inspiration, Philips Research
  • Ineke Visser, spinning conductive yarn
  • Kevin MacLeod, music movie
  • Niko Vegt, voice-over English
  • Eduardo Antúnez De Mayolo, intermediary Peru – Netherlands / voice-over Spanish
  • Martijn ten Bhömer, concept, interaction design, app development, technology,
  • Marina Toeters, concept, garment design, management,

Thanks to Bear Creek Mining S.A.C.

Martijn ten Bhömer
Martijn ten Bhömer
Co-founder & CTO

Specialized in the design, research and development of intelligent products.